Nether Heyford Baptist Church – February 2021

Nether Heyford Baptist Church


Regretfully, due to the current pandemic, no services or events are to be held until further notice.

Members and friends were saddened to hear of the recent death of Hugh Adams. Hugh regularly attended services and supported church events until the lockdown. He will be greatly missed for his gentlemanly ways, his singing, and ongoing support. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family at this sad time.


For more information visit the Nether Heyford Baptist Chapel page.

Nether Heyford Baptist Church – December 2020 & January 2021

Nether Heyford Baptist Church


(In anticipation of the lockdown measures being lifted on 2nd December).

Morning services have now re-started and comply with the current government and Baptist guidelines. We are meeting in the Baptist rooms, holding shorter services and would be pleased to welcome you (with some restriction on numbers).

Services for December:
December 6th 10.30am Morning worship led by Clive Leakey
December 13th 10.30am Christmas Gift Service led by Martin Buckby
December 20th 10.30am Lessons and carols led by Les Britten
December 25th 10.30am Christmas Day Service led by Les Britten

Services for January:
January 3rd 10.30am Morning worship led by Clive Leakey
January 10th 10.30am Morning worship led by Les Britten
January 17th 10.30am Morning worship led by Wendy Manley
January 24th 10.30 am Morning worship led by Les Britten
January 31st 10:30 am Communion service led by Martin Buckby


For more information visit the Nether Heyford Baptist Chapel page.

Nether Heyford Baptist Church – November 2020

Nether Heyford Baptist Church


Morning services have now re-started and comply with the current government and Baptist guidelines.

We are meeting in the Baptist rooms, holding shorter services and would be pleased to welcome you. (with some restriction on numbers)

Services for November:
November 1st 10.30am Morning worship led by Clive Leakey
November 8th 10.30am Remembrance service led by Les Britten
November 15th 10.30am Morning worship led by Wendy Manley
November 22nd 10.30am Morning worship led by Les Britten
November 29th 10.30 am Communion service led by Martin Buckby

All welcome

Thanks to all who contributed to our Harvest service last month – the cash collection raised £88 and this together with the collection meant we were able to send £230 to Operation Agri for Malawi. Gifts to the Hope Centre were also much appreciated.

It was only earlier this month that I realised the significance and the reoccurrence of the “number three” in my life:-

I had 3 siblings, I was born on the 3rd of the month, my earliest memory is of when I was 3, I was married on the 3rd of the month, I have 3 grandsons and two of these boys were born on the 3rd of the month.

The number 3 is a significance to me from the scriptures

  • The trinity being 3
  • Perhaps the best known verse in The Bible is from chapter 3 of John’s gospel
  • There were 3 crosses – we are told in The Bible that “there were others crucified with him – one to the left and one on his right” – so Jesus was in the middle
  • And a verse in Revelation chapter 3 remains significantly special to me as I will detail later

It started to make me think of some of the most special and significant people in my life and of course there are many more than 3 – but if I was asked to name 3 the following would be high in priority

1 My pap
My upbringing was difficult, damaging and dysfunctional – but my pap was a rock on which I stood and found comfort during the times of uncertainly and chaos. At the age of 15 and having returned to attending chapel in Duston my pap, many years after he had stopped going to church began attending with me. I remember so well, us walking to chapel when he stopped, and getting his breath, said to me, Martin, and quoted a well known hymn, Martin,

My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ name.
On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand;
all other ground is sinking sand.

I believe that he acknowledged his need for faith, accepted the promise given and
confirmed where his hope rested.

2 Ward Sister at St Crispin Hospital
I was first introduced to St Crispin Hospital when during my final year at school and not “in an academic stream preparing for exams” I was given the opportunity to start volunteering at St Crispin Hospital – I was 15 years old. I loved it and after leaving school and working for Civil’s supermarket in Kettering Road I continued my voluntary role at weekends. This ward sister, with whom I kept in touch with until her passing last year was a most significant influence in my life – she taught me so much, encouraged me so much, corrected me so much – but her greatest influence was her example which remains her legacy on my life. I often say, we all have the opportunity in life to leave a legacy for good and those who follow the path of faith, also a legacy for God.

3 A Christian
After returning to chapel I remember attending a Christian Rally at Duke Street Gospel Hall – it was the 2nd October 1971 and the man who led the service, an evangelist, spoke from Revelation chapter 3 verse 20, Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and dine with him, and he with Me.

He quoted this well known poem which I have often recalled:

It was Christmas 1939 that King George VI echoed words of Minnie Louise Haskins:

“I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year, ‘Give me a light that I may tread safely to into the unknown.’ And he replied , ‘Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than the light and safe than a known way!’ So I went forth and finding the hand of God, trod gladly into the night.”

It was a call to trust God. The way ahead was incredibly dark. No one knew where it would lead. But those words speak of one that walks with us, of one who leads us through the night. We can still rest in that light, love and trust today as we experience the journey through life. 

So it was on the 3rd October this year on which I began my 50th year as a Christian. What has that journey been like? Tough and challenging at times? – yes, wonderfully good? – definitely, known of failure? oh yes, but God is gracious in his forgiveness and restoration. I have realised again and again that until we expose ourselves to faith we will never experience the importance, impact and influence of faith in and on our lives.

Thank you.


(On behalf of the fellowship at The Chapel on the Green)


For more information visit the Nether Heyford Baptist Chapel page.

Nether Heyford Baptist Church – October 2020

Nether Heyford Baptist Church


Morning services have now re-started and comply with the current government and Baptist guidelines.

We are meeting in the Baptist rooms, holding shorter services and would be pleased to welcome you. (with some restriction on numbers)

Services for October:

October 4th – 10.30am – Harvest service Led by Les Britten –We will celebrate the harvest by gathering groceries and produce for the Hope Centre and by having the usual coin collection for Operation Agri.

October 11th – 10.30am – Morning worship Led by Clive Leakey

October 18th – 10.30am – Morning worship Led by Wendy Manley

October 25th – 10.30am – Communion service Led by Martin Buckby

All welcome


For more information visit the Nether Heyford Baptist Chapel page.

Nether Heyford Baptist Church – September 2020

Nether Heyford Baptist Church


“We’re back”

Morning services have now re-started and comply with the current government and Baptist guidelines.

We are meeting in the Baptist rooms, holding shorter services and would be pleased to welcome you. (with some restriction on numbers)

Services for September are as follows:

Sept. 6th 10.30 am Morning worship Led by Les Britten
Sept. 13th 10.30 am Morning worship Led by Alan Pope
Sept. 20th 10.30 am Morning worship Led by Clive Leakey
Sept. 27th 10.30 am Communion service Led by Martin Buckby


For more information visit the Nether Heyford Baptist Chapel page.

Cafe on The Green – Update September 2020

As you are aware we have been unable to open the café for the last five months. We have reviewed the situation in the light of the recent easing of some restrictions. However, due to the size of the venue, the age mix of our customers and the voluntary status of our staff, we do not feel it is safe to reopen the café for the foreseeable future.

As we won’t be holding the usual Macmillan Coffee Morning in September we will send a donation from existing café funds.

We’ll review the situation in the New Year but, in the meantime, would like to thank everybody who has supported the café in the last four and a half years.

Best wishes

Jane R and Jane W

Nether Heyford Baptist Church – June 2020

Nether Heyford Baptist Church


It is with regret that all services and events have been cancelled until further notice.

Sheila Beharrell
Church members and friends were sorry to hear of the death of Sheila Beharrell on May 14th. Sheila had been an active member of the church for 78 years and although she has been in Bethany Homestead recently will be sadly missed. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family at this time.

Martin Buckby On behalf of the chapel fellowship



For more information visit the Nether Heyford Baptist Chapel page.


Nether Heyford Baptist Church – May 2020

Nether Heyford Baptist Church


It is with regret that all services and events have been cancelled until further notice.


It is the 16th April 2020 and Easter has passed and what a different Easter it was – so different to what is normal and to what was expected. But needless to say we are living in different, difficult and distressing times and I don’t need to add any anything else to reiterate just how awful the experience is for so many. But I will add, along with many others, the appreciation to all key and front line workers who are doing so much for so many.

Daily routine has changed – our garden is more neatly cared for, fences have been painted, cars cleaned to a higher standard, garage tidy and daily walks in the nice weather have added to this very unusual time as we have greeted people, often strangers, at the required distance.

At a distance – so necessary and for those of us who have grandchildren, being separated from them has caused additional challenges although the advantages of modern communications such as “WhatsApp” and “face-time” has been wonderful. I decided to write to my grandsons, two live in Yorkshire and one locally and whilst searching through the card drawer I found rather humorous cards which read “grandparents are crucial because parents don’t have a clue” and the picture was of a beach scene in the early 1900’s with the grandparents so inappropriately dressed in their Sunday best making less than enthusiastic attempts to entertain the grandchildren with making sandcastles. Well it made me smile and so I sent them to my grandsons with a letter.

They are young so my words were carefully selected as I shared with them the significance of today’s events and that they may well talk about this year, 2020, with great significance to their children and their grandchildren. The impact of course to them will be different to the impact it now has on us because we are “in it here and now, experiencing it now, living with it now” – however it will be told the emphasis must be on its truth and its impact.

One of my favourite Bible accounts, pivotal to the Christian faith is the resurrection of Jesus following his crucifixion and death. Good Friday, his death, has no place, no power and purpose without the resurrection. But it is Thomas, doubting Thomas who I love to focus on and in particular these words, from John 20.

24 Now Thomas (also known as Didymus one of the Twelve), was not with the disciples when Jesus came.

25 So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord!” But he said to them, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.”

26 A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”

27 Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”

28 Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”

29 Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

The horror of this pandemic must be told, must be reflected on, the truth of its impact must be remembered as the event which changed the world in 2020. It is real and it is relevant. Will my grandsons children and grandchildren believe in the significance of 2020? – I hope so.

The account of Thomas’s discovery in seeing Jesus – changed his life because he believed after he saw. But Jesus gave that wonderful and life changing reminder to Thomas, “blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.

Thank you.

Martin Buckby On behalf of the chapel fellowship

Betsy May’s (age 5) contribution:

God our Father, we’ve come to say,
Thank you for your love today,
Thank you for my family and all the friends you give to me,
Guard me in the dark of night and in the morning send your light




For more information visit the Nether Heyford Baptist Chapel page.