Heyford Singers – June 2019


The Heyford Singers spring concerts are over for another year, music scores have been returned to folders, storage cupboards or libraries, but the words and the music live on in our hearts and minds. The concerts were lovely and the choir really enjoyed singing the selection of songs chosen by Mary for this programme. Comments from our capacity audiences were warm and appreciative, not least for our new style and colour of concert dress. Thank you.

But it was also a sad occasion, for during the days leading up to the concerts we learnt that Isabel Brown and Carol Baker had died. Both were loyal and committed members of the choir, and true friends to us all. To this sadness was also the loss of family members, and friends in the village. However the coming together to sing gave everyone the chance to share our grief and sadness at the loss of these very special people in our lives. Like a gathering after a funeral, “a wake”, there is something very cathartic in being with others to link our own sadness, our tears, our loss and our wonderful memories, with those of our friends. Whether it be through singing, listening to music or just talking, the long process of healing begins.

I have on several occasions written about the value of music in our lives, and likewise of being part of a choir or similar organisation. The contribution it makes to our emotional, social, mental and physical health is inestimable. And to this I would add that of experiencing grief and loss in our lives. The tears may fall but being together “helps to ease the pain”.

Thank you to Graham and Kate, and Kath for coming to the concert. It was very brave of you. It allowed us to pay our special tribute in song to those we have lost.

Jill Langrish


If you would like to find out more, visit the Heyford Singers page or our website:


 alternatively come along to one of our rehearsals in Nether Heyford Village Hall.


Jill Langrish

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